Toward a new church:
male and female

Thoughts on the Gender Imbalance Crisis in the Modern Church

"The world that needs saving is male and female and the church that should help save it should be so as well. This is so basic a concept, that it shouldn't warrant a discussion at all."

Toward a new church: Male and female

missing males

Why are there so many more women than men in our churches today? Why has this abnormality been accepted as normal? What are the consequences of this dysfunction on men, women, the church and the world? Journey with us as we argue that the heavy gender imbalance in Christianity is a product of the “modern western church system” and is a part of its DNA. We contend that this reality is a crisis of MISSING MALES!

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"The citizens of the Kingdom of God are His community of believers in the Earth. In truth, no real kingdom exists without the robust presence of men in their prime."

Toward a new church: Male and female

“Due to the gender imbalances, most aspects of church activity, including the burden of the “heavy lifting,” fall to women.”

Toward a new church: Male and female

Consider this

“Worship services of over 60%, 70% or even 80% women are not unusual.”

"Much of this is simple indifference. Many leaders simply don't care enough. It is an outrage. Repentance is required."

Toward a new church: Male and female

“Most churches are heavily feminized environments where the Pastor, the alpha, is the star...however, a regular guy, a stereotypical dude, will often forever be on the bench."

Toward a new church: Male and female

“Marriages within the parameters of the Kingdom of God are generally not occurring at a societally normal rate, and in a few churches where the problem is most pronounced, they are barely occurring at all.”

Toward a new church: Male and female

Request your copy of "Toward a New Church: Male and Female." (Part 1)

“… the modern western church system is perfectly designed to produce a feminized church. … such a church, by nature, repels most heterosexual men.“

Toward a new church: Male and female

“Why is this humiliation not front and center in our discussions, meetings, sermons and evangelistic efforts?"

Toward a new church: Male and female

Karen Minott

Karen is a New York City-based writer and educator. She has a master’s degree in theological studies from Harvard University where she examined issues related to Christianity and culture. Her writing credits include the biography, Phanuel: Daughter of a Prophet.

Read Karen’s latest blog post here.

Sandra Barnes

Sandra served in Christian ministry for 10 years as a pastor and mentor for urban youth, based in New York City. She is a writer and actress, who studied at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy and the Barrow Group, NYC. Her writing credits include New York Off Broadway productions, most notably, “Futurology: The Sci-Fi Musical” and “Lionheart.”

Read Sandra’s latest blog post here.

Missing Males

Toward a new church: Male and female